Privacy and e-Privacy
We are among the pioneers and leading experts in Privacy Law
The lawful handling of customer, supplier, business partner and employee data gives rise to trust. On the one hand, this strengthens customer relationships and promotes the working atmosphere, and on the other hand, it protects against high penalties and disciplinary warnings and lawsuits from competitors. Privacy should be treated as a prior topic, since legal sanctions are often accompanied by the negative publicity of a “privacy scandal”. We provide you with support to avoid this!
In addition to the main provisions in the GDPR, numerous national laws and ordinances as well as ancillary laws with specific regulations exist. At European level, key privacy regulations also exist in the ePrivacy Directive, which will be replaced by the ePrivacy Regulation in the foreseeable future. Due to this multitude of more complex regulations on a national and international level, the ability to keep an eye on all privacy regulations and act according to them has become increasingly difficult.
We are among the pioneers and leading experts in Privacy Law. Beside the many years of expertise in the field of Privacy Law, our team understands the technical aspects of information security and is happy to manage your privacy projects. These skills are also proven by numerous international certifications. We keep the overview for you and provide solution-oriented advice!
With our specially developed record of processing activities provided as SaaS [Online VVT], we provide a modern tool to manage your record of processing activities online and provide us access at any time to enable collaborative work on it.
In addition to our consulting services, we also take on the role of external data protection officer for selected companies in accordance with Article 37 of the GDPR.
We are among the pioneers and leading experts in Privacy Law
We draft and negotiate works council agreements (Betriebsvereinbarungen) and several declarations of consent of employees in an easily understandable way
We advise on the exploitation of your creative services and the enforcement and defence of claims in copyright disputes
We enforce your personal rights and defend your freedom of journalism
We advise on the implementation of IT projects and assist with technical know-how and customized solutions
As part of our work we regularly publish books, commentaries, papers and media articles in our specialist fields. We also give lectures and seminars and lead conferences, especially on data protection law.
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