Who’s who legal – that’s where WE are!

Wir freuen uns über die Aufnahme unserer beiden Partner Dr. Rainer Knyrim und Dr. Gerald Trieb in die neu erschienene Ausgabe „Data 2022“ des renommierten globalen Rechtsexpertenverzeichnisses Who’s Who Legal (WWL).

Dr. Rainer Knyrim wurde überdies online und in der Printausgabe von „WWL Thought Leaders – Global Elite 2022“ im Bereich „Data | Security“ als einziger „Global Elite“-Experte in Österreich gelistet. Dies spiegelt seine Hingabe zum Thema Datenschutz & Privacy sehr gut wider!

WWL reiht die besten Juristen als Global Elite Thought Leader:

Global Elite Thought Leader: These practitioners are the best of the best across all of our practice areas according to our research. Only those listed practitioners who obtained the highest number of nominations from peers, corporate counsel and other market sources in their practice area are selected. Entry into our guides, is, of itself, no easy feat, with fewer than half of those nominated obtaining a listing. The bar to be considered a Global Elite Thought Leader is even higher. Typically no more than five per cent of practitioners in any WWL global practice area guide are selected as Global Elite Thought Leaders.
We designate Global Elite Thought Leaders in all of our global practice area guides.

Informationen dazu, wie das Ranking erstellt wird, finden Sie HIER.

Global Elite Thought Leader – Data | Security

Only those individuals scoring most highly in our research are selected as Thought Leaders or Global Elite Thought Leaders. Anyone wishing to be designated as such will need to receive substantial numbers of recommendations from other market sources in our research. There is therefore no ’secret‘ or ‚quick fix‘ to gaining these designations.