Attorney at Law
Dr. Gerald Trieb, LL.M. is an IAPP-certified expert; author of numerous articles regarding privacy law and speaker about various matters dealing with privacy law.
2019 | IAPP Certified Information Privacy Professional Europe, IAPP Certified Information Privacy Technologist |
since 2017 | Founder and partner of Knyrim Trieb Attorneys at Law |
2013-2016 | Partner with Preslmayr Attorneys at Law |
2009-2013 | Associate with Preslmayr Attorneys at Law |
2009 | Doctor’s degree from the University of Vienna (Dr. iur.) |
2008-2009 | Master of Laws (LL.M.) study at the University of San Diego, CA |
2007-2008 | Court experience in Vienna |
2006 | Magister’s degree from the University of Vienna (Mag. iur.) |